Bridge Creek Falls

Bridge Creek Falls

Bridge Creek tumbles over a three-tiered fall with old stone steps and paths running alongside. At the base of the falls are the remains of a catchment basin, some people speculating that it was probably used as a drinking water supply. Unless you know what to look for you will drive right by without even knowing about this. We only found it because we stopped to photograph the icicles right beside it. The picture of the Falls was taken with an iPhone, the icicles with a camera.

Cape Kiwanda, Oregon Coast

We haven’t seen the ocean in months so it was great to take this drive and see this lovely coast and beach complete with a haystack rock. There is also a dune at this beach that is very high and steep to climb, Marc made it to the top of this tough climb (all loose sand). Marc’s photograph is the view of the other side of the bay (the side I did not see). This beach has some small tide pools if you like to explore the crannies you will see the anemones and other ocean life. It also has a cliff that is off limits because the errosion makes it unsafe. It was a very pretty beach, the waves were great and the surfers were loving it (even though it was only 42 degrees).